The Newest Comic is finally done!

After three years of dealing with life problems, the newest Misfit Comic is finally done! Want to read it? Go here!

New Comic Coming Soon!

So I’ve been very inactive lately, blame life throwing me curve balls one after the other. I’m getting back into the swing of things and I’m hoping to have another Misfits comic out and ready by the end of February! The next comic will introduce two new main characters, who will occasionally help Jimmy and Jenny out of any supernatural problems or indirectly give them ideas to cause the supernatural problems. I only have a few more pages to illustrate and maybe I’ll also color them afterwards but for now I need to finish on the pages themselves. Hope to see you soon!


Big Changes are Happening

You may have noticed the site is starting to look a little different. That’s because big things are going to happen soon…

A lot of things happening, lately.

So yeah, lots of stuff. Grandfather passed away, the other's in pretty bad shape.

But things'll get better soon. I'm already working on the next comic and I have something super cool happening soon, so stay posted!


Misfits #00 is Finally Done!

It's finally finished!
After a lot longer than I was expecting, mostly due to procrastination, the comic about how my two main characters meet is finally done!

New page added: Comics in Progress.

I've added a new page! This is the page for the comics that I'm still drawing. This will be updated as time goes on, but for now, here's the first three pages of the first comic. These pages may be modified or altered if I feel like they need to be. As of now, I have no concrete schedule, but I'll do my best to update at least once a week.

Two new Media sites

Hey everyone! This is Bob here, posting my first log on the Bob-log! Get it? Bob, Blog? I mashed the two toge- nevermind.

Anyways, I have just created to new sites to also showcase my work; One is deviantART, and the other Tumblr. I'm very familiar with each site but I made more "Professional" pages for each of them. They don't have much on either yet, in fact at the time of writing there's nothing at all. However, that's going to change fairly soon, and I'll do my best to update each together as time goes on. Chances are the first few pieces I upload on each are ones already on this site, but if you have accounts for either give them a like or a favorite, it really helps!



Thanks for reading, and talk to you soon!
